The Changing Political Scene – Not for the Best!

Opinion, Politics

Written And Submitted By: George McClellan


In my previous essay, I used Paul Ryan as the best example to illustrate the depth of the political depravity of the Left to which the “elite” Republican party has aligned itself. Statesmanship, principles, honesty and integrity have all been discarded for a greedy philosophy of personal enrichment all while ignoring the encroaching and dangerous philosophy of Marxism (or Maoism) that is totally inimical to the best interests of American citizens and, is specifically designed to be fatal to our Constitutional Republic form of government. It doesn’t take much imagination to know who the weaklings are I’m talking about: they have identified themselves as the “Never Trumpers” and the “Republicans for Biden” screwballs.


So be it! The Deep State political Establishment, including the judiciary, Blue State legislators and certain county election officials have coalesced around the stolen election results that, in an hours counting time, propelled the criminal Joe, the usurper, Biden, into the presidency leaving Trumps runaway electoral mandate in the dust! Trump may leave office but he will not concede. 


The criminal usurper Joe Biden will set about to complete Obama’s third term to Fundamentally Change America into a slavish addition of the New World Order of citizens dependent on what big government will do for them. The century ahead like the one behind, will be a century of conflict, totalitarism, petty dictators large and small, like we’re experiencing now in Blue cities and States who operate under the cover of the China Virus pandemic. 


Where is it written in our Constitution, or any of the constitutions of the fifty states that compose the American Republic, that a governor or a mayor, a health official or a police chief has any authority to order its citizens off the streets or remain in lockdown, unless they’re protesting with Black Lives Matter or rioting with Antifa in American cities, to avoid gatherings for holidays, Sunday worship, dinner with friends, or picnics at a park, and do so under penalty of arrest and/or confinement for observing their constitutionally protected rights?  No where!


The social sites of Twitter and Facebook, et al. has produced some screwy ideas by really stupid people who lean Marxist. Those ideas like “defund the police” have taken root in Blue run states and municipalities. Even worse, these Blue run political entities have embraced the screaming 1% of twitter and Facebook nuts to heart and now, Blue cities are experiencing the rise of crime because the men in Blue are no long supported. Anarchy reigns in those cities!


So, if the police have been neutralized or are afraid to enforce the laws on fear of being politically incorrect racists, who’s left to maintain order? Uniformed Antifa’s? We saw that in Hitlers SD and SA, in the 1930s. The SD started to think they should run the Army and Hitler, in his Night of the Long Knives operation, destroyed them. A police force did rise, small but effective because they didn’t roam the streets beating up people. They spread terror by developing informant networks in neighborhoods everywhere to report offenses against National Socialism. That group was the Gestapo. They were very effective and operated above the law.


Did not the Governor of Oregon just announce that Oregon citizens should rat out their neighbors who disobey her edicts on gatherings, face masks and etc? Yes, she did!  And, New York City’s dingbat Mayor, a communist by the way, has now dispatched officers in plain cloths to enter bars and restaurants who have refused to comply with his shut down orders to make arrests of the offenders disobeying his dictates. The terror of National Socialism has started and  Criminal Joe the Usurper, Biden, doesn’t have enough sense to know it. I expect he’ll be gone soon. 


Americans have armed up. Jefferson once said, “The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.” General George Patton had a better idea. He said, Don’t die for your country, make that other SOB die for his. 


If we allow the theft of this election to go unchallenged or ignored simply to enjoy comity with our enemies so that a “peaceful transition,” which they didn’t give Trump, can legitimize their crimes, then we deserve the government we get. Joe Biden is under criminal inditement in the Ukraine by the way. He is not legitimate, He knows it and so does 74 million stunned Americans who are starting to realize that their election was stolen from ’em.  A pox on the Democrat Party! They will reap what they sow.


Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (03Dec20)

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